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Forfatter: Tittel: Puleleker i barnehagen?!

Innlegg: 486
Registrert: 23-9-2007
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[*] opprettet den 16-10-2007 kl 05:29
Puleleker i barnehagen?!

Sikkert ikke så mye i veien med lønna til barnehagepedagogene,
men om den står i stil til kompetansen er jeg litt usikker på


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Innlegg: 504
Registrert: 28-4-2004
Bosted: Stanghelle
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Humør: Håpar ikkje det er Faderen , Sonen eller Anden de snakkar om... ;)

[*] opprettet den 16-10-2007 kl 18:15

Å Herre! :o

«På korset åpenbarer Jesus Gud for oss. Det
er en Gud som lider med oss, som går inn i vår
smerte. Han tar på seg smerten og forvandler

– Anselm Grün, Benediktinerabbed
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Innlegg: 1041
Registrert: 25-1-2004
Bosted: Bergen, Norge
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[*] opprettet den 18-10-2007 kl 02:13

Når voksne mennesker har problemer med å si nei, hvor mye mer da et usikkert barn som ikke engang kjenner seg selv eller vet hva som er akseptabelt og ikke?

At barn utforsker "sin seksualitet" og er nysgjerrige på sin egen og andres kropp er ikke noe nytt, men å oppmuntre til det i barnehagen er jammen meg drøyt.

Kjærligheten er ikke det at vi har elsket Gud, men at han har elsket oss og sendt sin Sønn til soning for våre synder.

1Joh 4,10
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Innlegg: 152
Registrert: 30-12-2004
Bosted: Enebakk
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[*] opprettet den 18-10-2007 kl 02:35

”Er dette normal seksualitet? Mottar gjerne tilbakemeldinger fra noen som har prøvd å oppføre seg slik på jobben... Ville det ikke være mer hensiktsmessig å lære barn å selvkontroll og beherskelse i forbindelse med seksuelle lyster, så vi unngår å oppdra fremtidige voldtektsmenn, pedofile, zoofile, og det som verre er?” Ruben Ravatsaas ”Fastupwards.no” - og enda en opplysende kommentar fra Last Trumpet Minsitries, Dr. David D. Mejer, til alt vanvidd og syk perversitet som akselerer med turbofart nå på oppløpssia like før Jesus kommer igjen. Ja kom Herre, KOM - : Maran ata!
The Proliferation of Perversion!
I am sometimes asked this question: how can we be sure these are the last days? The answer to that question could be quite involved, but to be concise, everything that the Bible said would happen during this unique time of the end is indeed happening. Even without reading the Scripture, simple logic and common sense would tell you that if society continues its current course, it would self-destruct in the not-to-distant future.
The Scriptures tell us in II Timothy 3:1-5 of these days as follows: "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
Why should God bless America when this evil American society persistently offends Him and either ignores or scorns His mercy and grace? Recent reports indicate that a full thirty percent of adult Americans have an alcohol problem. (20) One in twelve adult workers in America, which is over ten million people, are using illicit drugs and alcohol to the extent that they need treatment. (21) It has also been reported that over twenty-five percent of American females between the ages of 14 and 59 are infected with the HPV virus. This is the sexually transmitted human wart virus, which causes most cases of cervical cancer. The Centers for Disease Control also reported that among the age group of 20 to 24, the percentage of those infected is 44.8 percent. (22) There is a heavy price to pay for disobeying and defying the Almighty. The Lord warned Israel what would happen to them if they rejected Him. We read of this in Deuteronomy 28:60-62 as follows: "Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the Lord bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed. And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the Lord thy God."
For those who think this warning is for the ancient past only, consider the words of Revelation 22:18, which says, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." Thus, if you have ever wondered why there are so many and varied diseases, and many of them incurable; and if you wonder where they are coming from, you have your answer. Conditions have never been like they are now. If you are reading this, and have one or more of these diseases, there is hope. Repent and obey the Gospel. Use natural remedies and pray and walk closely with the Saviour. Miracles still happen. God's mercy is beyond comprehension; otherwise He would have destroyed this world long ago!
By now you may be thinking, are things really that bad? Are people really that sinful? One shocking problem is the Internet, which features a flood of filth from the very mouth of Satan. Hard core child abuse images, including child rape, now comprise twenty-nine percent of all the images investigated. The children involved are mostly under twelve. (23) On the other end of the age spectrum, there is so much sexually transmitted disease among senior citizens in New York City that the city is sponsoring AIDS education programs and handing out thousands of condoms at the senior centers and other places where the elderly congregate. The Staten Island Advance Newspaper reported that the big complaint among women in their eighties who were given condoms is that they wanted to be given a man to go with it! (24)
The New York City Health Department has also allocated 600,000 dollars to promote and supply the morning after pill, which destroys conception in the womb. This is being called an "emergency contraception." (25) The program zeros in on thousands of teenage girls who are being told that "this is plan B."
Another sure sign of judgment soon to come is the takeover of the world by sodomites or homosexuals. In the month of June 2007, major cities around the globe were the sites of massive "gay pride" parades and other programs to honor their cause of perverted sexual appetites. I have in front of me a photograph of the Gay Pride Parade that took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, this past June. The wide street lined with skyscrapers is filled with a sea of humanity as far as the eye can see. This was also the case in scores of cities elsewhere. (26) Is this a sure sign of the end of the world? Nothing could be clearer regarding this fact than the very words of the Lord Jesus himself as found in Luke 17:28-30 as follows: "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed."
Even our frontrunning Presidential candidates for 2008 advocate homosexuals and lesbians. MSNBC News stated, "Hillary Clinton has been eager to bask in the gay love." (27) Hillary Clinton has received forty-eight percent of her campaign contributions from "gays." (28) Hillary has also been holding campaign rallies at such places as the Abbey in West Hollywood, which is a notorious gay hangout. (29) On March 15th, 2007, the Ides of March, which is a day honoring witchcraft, Hillary appeared on Bloomberg News. Hillary clearly stated, "I do not think homosexuality is immoral….let's not be eliminating people because of who they are or who they love." (30)
On August 8th, 2007, TIME-CNN featured the story of how Dr. Billy Graham endorsed Hillary for President and was ready to ordain Bill Clinton as an evangelist. Dr. Graham's exact words were, "I told President Clinton, when he left the Presidency, he should become an evangelist, because he had all the gifts. I also told him he could let his wife run the country." (31) This was stated in all seriousness, even though Billy's son Franklin tried to pass it off as a joke. Even if it was a joke, and there was nothing to indicate that it was, such foolish jesting from a crusade pulpit is abominable and forbidden in Scripture.
Yes, most assuredly it is gross sin and rebellion against God that is causing our nation to crumble, and if there is no repentance, great will be the fall of it! A spiritual shroud of gross darkness has covered our land as millions of people pour into the country that have never known the principles upon which our nation was founded. Businesses continue to fail, loans are in default everywhere, the housing market is in destruct mode, prices of goods and services continue to rise dramatically, crude oil prices have reached eighty dollars per barrel, and the worst is yet to come.
As our U.S. dollar continues to slide against other major currencies of the world, our national debt has now passed the nine trillion dollar mark. As of September 13th, 2007, at 12:17:34 GMT, our national debt was exactly $9,017,934,140,665.62. (32) There is no way to correct this massive debt. In fact, this debt is now analogous to light years of measurement. How much is nine trillion? Light travels at an approximate speed of 186,000 miles per second, which means it travels around the world at the equator seven and one-half times per second. Try to imagine how far light would travel in a minute, hour, day, week, month, or year. In one year, light travels about six trillion miles. Our national debt is one and one-half that in dollars. Truly, that's an astronomical debt!
Distress in the Creation!
Almighty God does speak through his creation, and awesome things are happening everywhere. More stars continue to explode in space, producing colorful displays. The latest calculations now reveal that the planet Mars will be only 55 million miles from earth on December 24th, 2007, and will indeed appear twenty-one times larger than it did one year ago. In the realm of witchcraft and the occult, this would mean a horrible war is about to break out on earth. The planet Mars is even now appearing larger every night.
Mars, which is known as the "angry red planet" and ancient "god of war", is making a lot of spiritual waves in the world of astrology. Meanwhile, Red China is trying to prepare for the 2008 Olympics, which are to be hosted in that Communist country. The San Jose Mercury News reported that the government of China is "drawing on decades of Communist Party discipline in preparation for the Olympics." (33) The lighting of the cauldron, which signals the beginning of the games is to take place in Beijing at exactly 8:08 P.M., August 8, 2008. (34) In the astrology of witchcraft, the number eight is the number of the sign of the scorpion. It appears in the fifth month of the zodiac with five months left in our calendar year. In Revelation 9:10-11, we read of a strange army that rises up as follows: "And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."
The Olympics are Greek in origin, and even in this present time, the Olympic torch is always lighted by the rays of the sun god while a priestess holds the torch on Mt. Olympus. The torch then is taken around the world and carried by many dignitaries before lighting the cauldron under the five rings of earth, wind, water, fire, and spirit. We must also note that the summer Olympics always takes place once every four years and always in a leap year to reconcile the calendar with the pagan sun god. In the United States, we also have our Presidential elections aligned with that same year. Here let it be noted that during the last week of August 2007 fires began to break out in southern Greece until half of the nation was on fire. Witnesses said, "It was like hell everywhere around the Olympic site." (35) In all of the recorded history of Greece, there has never been anything like this before. Without question we are in the last of the last days, and the signs of this time are everywhere. Eternity is just ahead, and you can be ready if you will seek the Saviour now!
In closing, I once again invite you to send your prayer requests to us, and we will give them individual and personal attention. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to all who support this ministry in so many ways. I pray that you will be blessed greatly with overcoming power from on High as we see the day approaching. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
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Registrert: 17-11-2005
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Humør: Prikkbelastning: * * * * *

[*] opprettet den 18-10-2007 kl 13:27

En skaper et "paradis" for pedofile. I tillegg tør jeg ikke tenke på hvilken effekt dette vil ha på gjennomsnitts nordmannen om 20 år.

Hvilket samfunn? Kunne det være noe lignende som skjedde i Sodoma?!

Den eneste som kan redde mennesket er Yesuah, men vil de bli reddet?

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Innlegg: 233
Registrert: 12-2-2007
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[*] opprettet den 20-10-2007 kl 22:01

[Redigert den 1-11-2013 kl 22:32 av Jon]
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Innlegg: 233
Registrert: 12-2-2007
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[*] opprettet den 20-10-2007 kl 22:05

[Redigert den 1-11-2013 kl 22:31 av Jon]
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