Erwin W. Lutzer har skrevet en bok hvor kapittel 8 tar for seg nettopp dette spørsmålet, og han belyser saken fra begge sider og lister blant annet
opp hvilke grunner katolikkene har for å inkludere apokryfene og grunnene protestantene har for å eksludere de.
How Many Books Are in the Bible? Sitat: | Even the most casual Bible student knows that there are more books in the Catholic Bible than in the one used by Protestants. Where did these
differences originate? On what basis were some books selected to be in the Bible, and why were others rejected?
Greg Koukl har også noen tanker om disse tingene.
No Lost Books of the Bible Sitat: | Some people claim there are "lost books" that should have been included in the Bible. Greg says this view doesn't make sense, whether or not you think
the Bible has supernatural origins.