Apologetisk Forum

Kenneth Copeland med profeti over Skandinavia

Larss - 24-5-2004 kl 05:24


I never heard anything like that before. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Oooh, the Lord said, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hah! Oooh, the Lord said, The Vikings are corning! The Vikings are coming! The Vikings are coming!

And I said, "The Vikings?"

He said, Yeah, that's what it sounds like, isn't it?

I said, "Yeah." - -

He said, “ Only they're gonna be shouting, "My kings are coming! My kings are coming! My kings are coming!"

They're coming from the land of the Vikings! Hallelujah. Great Scandinavian armies of believers that have been being prepared over the years...I know some of them. I've prayed with some of them. Praise God. Ha-ha-ha-ha, hallelujah. Oh, the My kings are coming! The My kings are coming! Glory to God. People are going to be talking about it all over the world, "Whooh! -; Those Norsemen are coming! That bunch of preaching Scandinavians are on the way!"

solbu - 24-5-2004 kl 05:58

Kanskje han har lest litt på forumet vårt? :D

Kristnerd - 24-5-2004 kl 08:06

Hvorfor er det ingen kors på hjemmesiden deres?:(