Apologetisk Forum

Gud .sin hånd over oss

Viking - 6-4-2015 kl 12:42

Det er mye vi ikke får høre eller se på våre nyheter.
Jeg kan ikke si annet enn; "takk Gud for at du holder din hånd over oss".

Viking - 6-4-2015 kl 12:43

Sitat: skrevet av Viking  

Det er mye vi ikke får høre eller se på våre nyheter.
Jeg kan ikke si annet enn; "takk Gud for at du holder din hånd over oss".


Viking - 3-6-2015 kl 12:24

Jeg finner ikke eldre profetier, men denne som kommer fra Book of Adam and Eve, er interessant.

Egentlig burde disse to bøker fått plass i bibelen:


Chapter XIV - The earliest prophesy of the coming of Christ.

1 Then Adam said to God: "O Lord, take You my soul, and let me not see this gloom any more; or remove me to some place where there is no darkness."

2 But God the Lord said to Adam, "Indeed I say to you, this darkness will pass from you, every day I have determined for you, until the fulfillment of My covenant; when I will save you and bring you back again into the garden, into the house of light you long for, in which there is no darkness*. I will bring you to it—in the kingdom of heaven."

3 Again said God to Adam, "All this misery that you have been made to take on yourself because of your transgression, will not free you from the hand of Satan, and will not save you.

4 But I will. When I shall come down from heaven, and shall become flesh of your descendants, and take on Myself the infirmity from which you suffer, then the darkness that covered you in this cave shall cover Me in the grave, when I am in the flesh of your descendants.

5 And I, who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of times, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the sons of men, in order to save you."

6 And God ceased to commune with Adam.
