Apologetisk Forum

Freedom of speech is an American concept, so I don't give it any value.

solbu - 4-4-2008 kl 12:48

Freedom of speech is an American concept
All you need to know about how rotten the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) is -- how undemocratic and anti-freedom it has become -- is that in hate-speech complaints, the commission has a 100-per-cent conviction rate.

No one who has ever been hauled before it for allegedly uttering hate speech has ever been acquitted.

If they are convinced you are guilty, yet cannot gather enough evidence to prove it, they are not above manufacturing proof. There is no innocent until proven guilty. You are guilty once they decide you are and they will prove it no matter what.

You can see this in the words of lead CHRC investigator Dean Steacy. Asked by Lemire's lawyer, Beverley Kulaszka: "What value do you give freedom of speech when you investigate one of these complaints?" Steacy replied, "Freedom of speech is an American concept, so I don't give it any value. It's not my job to give value to an American concept." Pardon me? Freedom of speech is entrenched in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. And, of course, we inherited hundreds of years of English constitutional protection of free expression before that.

It truly is frightening to think our ability to express our opinions openly is at the mercy of an agency so entirely clueless about the nature and source of free speech.

But such scarily ill-informed notions of the role of free speech in a democracy are not confined to the CHRC. Our own Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC) also buys into the notion that free expression is secondary to political correctness.

Last December, commission panellist Lori Andreachuk ruled that Red Deer Pastor Stephen Boissoin was guilty of hate speech for a letter he wrote to the Red Deer Advocate in which he encouraged readers to join a "war" against gays, who he likened to pedophiles and pimps, and whom he blamed for diseases, among other things.

Andreachuk insisted "the eradication of hate speech is paramount" to freedom of expression. Freedom of speech, in other words, must take a back seat to the AHRC's definition of hate and its fixation with stamping it out.

Human rights commissions are out of control. They need to be severely curtailed or, better yet, dismantled.

Praxis - 4-4-2008 kl 14:51

Ytringer er jo vold mot sarte ører.

Til alt hell skal det finnes en salve som hjelper:

- tjæresalve med fjær. -

"Gjør hjertet sløvt hos dette folket,
gjør ørene tunghørte, klin øynene til,
så det ikke kan se med øynene
og ikke høre med ørene"


an agency so entirely clueless about the nature and source of free speech.

der er et nyt element i det. Nemlig den utilslørethed, det udføres med
i dagens verden.
De politiske plattenslagere virker ikke bekymrede for, om deres argumenter
nu også er troværdige - det spiller åbenbart ikke nogen rolle mere.
