Apologetisk Forum

Benny Hinn og T.D. Jakes invitert til Norge.

Kristnerd - 1-6-2006 kl 12:07

Hovedkomitéen for pinsevennenes 100 års jubileum i Norge neste år har invitert Benny Hinn

Tør man minne om at Benny Hinn ikke er medlem av den amerikanske pinsebevegelsen, i hans menighet heller ikke er en pinsemenighet, at pinsebevegelsen i USA er preget av indre splittelse nettopp på grunn av personer som B.Hinn, at Hinn har taleforbud i Pinsebevelgelsen i Italia... osv. osv. osv. ?

Og kanskje også minne om at grunnen til dette er ytterligående teologi som ikke samstemmer med tradisjonell pentacostal forkynnelse, åndsanifestasjoner som ikke har Bibelsk forankring, og smisking med paven, for bare å nevne noe.

Benny hinn var forøvrig "fødselshjelp" til toronto"vekkelsen". En vekkelse stappefull av okulte manifestasjoner. Det neste store stedet denne "vekkelsen" brøt ut var Penscola. Der står menighetslokalene nesten tomme frukten av "ånden" som gjestet dem var indre stridigheter og frafall.

Tilhengere av disse vekkelsene sier ofte at man ikke må kritisere hverken den ene eller andre ubibelske lære eller manifestasjon, så lenge frukten er god. Folk blir jo frelst, og det må være bevis på at vekkelsen er fra Gud. Vell... her ser vi hva frukten har blitt i en av de største "kraftsentra" for denne vekkelsen, det sted alle måtte reise som pilgrim til for å ta kraften med seg hjem igjen, har nå smuldrett opp.

Frukt er noe som vises når høsten kommer. Jeg mener det er feil å skulle måtte vente på "frukten" før man tar oppgjør med vranglære, falske profetier og okkulte åndsmanifestasjoner. Men nå har da altså denne menigheten til slutt båret frukt, og på den ser vi at treet hadde røtter i urene kilder.

Matt 7:15-23
15 Vokt dere for de falske profeter! De kommer til dere i fåreham, men innvendig er de glupende ulver.
16 På fruktene skal dere kjenne dem. Sanker en vel druer av tornebusker, eller fiken av tistler?
17 Slik bærer hvert godt tre god frukt, men et dårlig tre bærer dårlig frukt.
18 Et godt tre kan ikke bære dårlig frukt, heller ikke kan et dårlig tre bære god frukt.
19 Hvert tre som ikke bærer god frukt, blir hogd ned og kastet på ilden.
20 Derfor skal dere kjenne dem på deres frukter.
21 Ikke enhver som sier til meg: Herre, Herre! skal komme inn i himlenes rike, men den som gjør min himmelske Fars vilje.
22 Mange skal si til meg på den dagen: Herre, Herre! har vi ikke profetert i ditt navn, drevet ut onde ånder i ditt navn, og gjort mange kraftige gjerninger i ditt navn?
23 Men da skal jeg åpent si til dem: Jeg har aldri kjent dere. Vik bort fra meg, dere som gjorde urett!

Og nå kommer altså etter alt å dømme Benny Hinn til Norge. Hvor skal ha bo montro ? Vil pinsemenighetene gå sammen i spleiselag for å gi ham toppsuiten på Grand slik det har vert praksis i mange andre land han har vert?

Akk for en gjeng.

2Tim 4:1-4
1 Jeg vitner for Gud og Kristus Jesus, som skal dømme levende og døde, og ved hans komme og hans rike:
2 Forkynn Ordet! Vær rede i tide og utide. Overbevis, irettesett og trøst, med all tålmodighet og lære.
3 For det skal komme en tid da de ikke skal tåle den sunne lære, men etter sine egne lyster skal de ta seg lærere i mengdevis, etter som det klør i øret på dem.
4 De skal vende øret bort fra sannheten, og vende seg til eventyr.

Lance - 1-6-2006 kl 13:17

Ja, jeg har også stusset litt på dette. Han har nok mye felles lære med pinsevennene, men er som du indikerer mer knyttet til den såkalte "trosbevegelsen".

Falske profetier, fokus på penger og rikdom, overvekt på følelser, og "smisking" med den Katolske Kirke er ting jeg også har lagt merke til, og som ikke trekker opp.

Det er tre fallgruver som predikanter ofte faller i, sa William Branham, og det er enten penger, kvinner eller popularitet. Om ikke kvinner, så tør jeg påstå at mange av dagens predikanter faller i de to andre fallgruvene.

Men, er ikke Benny Hinn pastor i en Assemblies of God menighet? Det er jo en pinsekonfesjon. Og er ikke T.D. Jakes oneness, altså "Jesus Only"? Det er enda mer merkverdig at han blir invitert til pinsevennenes jubileum synes jeg, siden han er "ikke-trinitariansk".

Kristnerd - 1-6-2006 kl 13:38


Benny Hinn pastor i en Assemblies of God menighet?

Så vidt jeg har forstått var Hinn en gang i tiden "pinsepastor", men hans menighet i dag er ikke tilknyttet Assamblies og God (Pinsebevegelsen i USA), og Hinn er heller ikke som person medlem der lengre.

Dumt at jeg bare må si "mener å ha lest at..." om dette, og ikke kan vise til kilde. Men det er ihvertfall få referanser til Assemblies of God på nettsidene til Benny Hinn Ministries (www.bennyhinn.org) Nå ligger vell Hinns menighet i Canada, (Alt er jo USA når du bor i Norge :P) Men "The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada " har heller ikke Hinns menighet på sine lister så vidt jeg ser. Så mener jeg har mitt på det tørre med at Hinn ikke er underlagt hverken amerikansk eller Canadisk pinsebevelgelse hva gjelder tilhørighet for sin menighet.

Og ikke minst er det mange pinsepastorerer i USA som har uttalt seg svært kritisk til Benny Hinn. Av disse er kanskje Joseph Chambers den mest kjente, men mitt inntrykk er at pastorer i Assemblies of God er ca 50/50 fordelt i sin aksept/avstandstaging fra Trosbevegelsen, og dermed Hinn m.f.

T.D. Jakes vet jeg selv svært lite om.

Kristnerd - 1-6-2006 kl 14:00

Tidligere har aksepten av Hinn og likesinnede i Norsk pinsebevegelse vært mere indirekte. Han har besøkt Livets Ord, så har på sin side Ulf Ekman (som da annerkjenner Hinn), blitt brukt på konferanser etc. i norsk pinsebevegelse. Videre blir Hinns bøker solgt og anbefalt i mange Norske pinsemenigheter.

Når man nå inviterer ham til pinsebevegelsesns jubileumskonferanse, hvor han får frie tøyler og de skal "tilby Benny Hinn en post centennial event 24. - 25. september i Oslo Spektrum", med andre ord; som endel av jubileumskonferansen inkluderes et "tradisjonelt Hinn show", med hans helt egen regi. Ja da vil jeg si at det ikke lengre er noen tvil. Pinsebevegelsen i Norge har fult og helt akseptert Trosbevegelsen og har ingen spørsmålstegn med noe av det som måtte røre seg i den. Eventuelle pastorer og medlemmer som måtte mene noe annet er i mindretall og blir ikke hørt.

Man kan si at i øynene til "Jubileumskomiteen", som nok ikke er alene om dette, er Hinn å regne som en "pinsepastor", samme hva han skulle finne på å profetere. (Tør jeg minne om at profetiene han kom med i Uppsala i juli 2003 for lengst skulle ha vert oppfylt, men at også disse er vist seg å ikke holde mål? Disse er bare mange i rekken, men da mange mener vi "møkkagravere" på apologetisk verksted bare sprer gammelt sladder, og at Hinn har endrett sin praksis, så er det relevant å peke på at han slettes ikke har endrett praksis. Han kommer stadig med profetier om alt mulig, og de fleste blir aldri oppfylt.)

Det er ikke nødvendigvis negativt at man låner bort talestolen til personer fra andre kirkesamfunn, men da må man også kunne gå ut i fra at de som er ansvarlig for at dette skjer står innefor hva gjesten forkynner. Og hvis ikke, at de senere tar et oppgjør med det.
Så... Hinn er nok ikke "pinsevenn" i organisatorisk betydning, (da jeg mener å kunne si at hans menighet ikke er medlem av Canadisk pinsebevegelse, eller amerikansk pinsebevegelse. Hovedkvarteret er i Texas leser jeg nå på http://www.bennyhinn.org/aboutus/contactus.cfm), og jeg mener bestemt at han også står nærmere Hagin og Trosbevegelsen i både lære og praksis, og bryter med tradisjonell evangelisk (og triniansk) pinseforkynnelse på flere punkter.
Men i øynene til jubileumskomiteen er han åpenbart pinsevenn så god som noen.

Lance - 1-6-2006 kl 15:22

Dersom de "transcriptene" av Hinns profetier jeg har lest virkelig stemmer er det skremmende at folk i det hele tatt hører på ham.

Han sier jo ikke at han antar eller gjetter at hendelse X vil skje i år Y, men han sier at den Hellige Ånd har fortalt ham det. Og så skjer det ikke... gang på gang...

Da er det per definisjon en falsk profeti. Hvordan pinsebevegelsen kan ta imot slikt forstår jeg ikke.

Men enhver vekkelse har vist seg å dø hen, så også Azusa Street vekkelsen. De organiserte seg og døde. Bare på 100 år har pinsebevegelsen beveget seg så langt bort fra 1906 i Ånd og kraft at den ikke ville vært gjenkjennelig for Smith Wigglesworth, Charles Price, William Seymoure, Bosworth og gamlegutta...

Men pinseopplevelsen kan ikke organiseres. Den er like ekte som den var der tilbake. :)

[Redigert den 1-6-2006 av Lance]

Kristnerd - 24-6-2006 kl 13:17

Benny Hinn takket nei, men er ønsket ved en senere anledning.

Benny Hinn
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"Benny" HinnTofik Benedictus "Benny" Hinn (born December 3, 1952 in Tel Aviv, Israel) is a controversial Christian pastor, faith healer, and televangelist. His ethnicity is Armenian and he was raised within the Greek Orthodox Church, but currently he is involved in the Word Faith movement within the Charismatic/Pentecostal arm of Protestantism. He attended Georges Vanier High School in Toronto, Ontario. Currently, he is married to Suzanne Harthern and resides in Dana Point, California.

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Controversies
2.1 Investigations and exposés
3 Claim of prophetic ability
3.1 Examples of questionable prophecies
4 List of questionable statements
5 Famous quotes
6 Theological statements
7 Bibliography of Hinn's writings
8 External links

Hinn has written that as a 20 year old in December 1973 he traveled by charter bus from Toronto to Pittsburgh to attend a "miracle service" being conducted by evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman. While he never personally met Kuhlman, he often attended her "healing" services and cited Kuhlman as an influence in many interviews.

Ten years later, Hinn founded the Orlando Christian Center. During its heyday the church averaged over 10,000 in attendance. In 1999, Hinn sold the church (by the time renamed World Outreach Center) to Clint Brown and moved to Grapevine, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. However, he maintained the legal entity "World Outreach Center Church Benny Hinn Ministries" which has been the subject of recent controversy. (see below)

He is currently the host of This Is Your Day, a 30-minute TV show that runs on various religious networks, including Trinity Broadcasting Network and Daystar Television Network.

Hinn hosts regular revival-meeting-cum-faith-healing-summits he calls "Miracle Crusades" that are usually held in large stadiums in major cities. At these services, Hinn carries out the purported miracles on whoever comes up on stage with an allegedly healed medical condition, whether it be Lou Gehrig's disease, or AIDS, or arthritis, or cancer. Usually, he shouts "Touch!" at them and they fall to the floor, "slain in the Spirit." Hinn also "slays" entire stands and the volunteer choir, too. Highlights from these highly theatrical events are taped and then broadcast on Hinn's TV show.

There is not an area of Hinn's Christian doctrine, ministry practice, or even his personal background, which has not been the subject of controversy. At least one book, The Confusing World of Benny Hinn (ISBN 1-885591-94-2), published by Personal Freedom Outreach, is devoted solely to various issues surrounding Hinn and his ministry, and PFO's Quarterly Journal usually has at least one article devoted to the latest controversy surrounding Hinn. The Sword of the Lord also has a book for sale devoted to Hinn, and virtually every Christian counter-cult, watchdog, and apologetics teacher and ministry has extensive information and critique of Hinn.

As a proponent of Word of faith doctrine, Hinn is subject to the criticisms that accompany the viewpoint. These include; unsound Biblical doctrine, exploitation of the poor, a heavy reliance on personal "health and wealth," and so on. Also, his support of faith healing brings the accompanying criticisms of that viewpoint. Allegedly, Hinn visits the grave of Kathryn Kuhlman to receive the 'anointing' from God,[citation needed] and has been accused of practicing divination.

Investigations and exposés
In 2000, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's show Witness ran a two-part series about purported faith healers Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke.

On November 3, 2004, the CBC's the fifth estate ran an exposé on Benny Hinn, revealing reports of fraudulent activity on his part.

Dateline NBC also ran an exposé on Hinn in December 27, 2002, and aired a follow-up investigation on March 6, 2005, which alleged that Hinn lives a lavish lifestyle, that his ministry uses only a small percentage of its revenues for charitable purposes and that claims of successful faith healing are unsubstantiated and, in some cases, false. Hinn responded to the allegations in detail in a letter on March 10, 2004. The allegations, however, are hard to validate, since Hinn's ministry claims a "church" tax exemption, as opposed to a religious non-profit exemption, which exempts Hinn and his ministry from having to reveal financial records (see below regarding an investigation into such exemption). Hinn lives in an oceanfront hacienda in Dana Point, California, valued at $8.5-million. [1] [2]

The Dallas Morning News reported in July 2005 that Hinn was being investigated by the Internal Revenue Service as to his ministry's tax exempt status, specifically its designation as a church. Under IRS regulations, non-profit organizations must file for a "letter of determination" as to tax-exempt status and annually report information as to donations, expenses and salaries. However, churches are specifically exempt from reporting requirements, and do not need to file for a "letter of determination". However, they may simply claim tax-exempt status; the IRS must then prove otherwise.

The Trinity Foundation, a self-proclaimed "watchdog ministry" headed by Ole Anthony, states that its investigation "proves" that Hinn's ministry does not meet IRS guidelines for church designation, specifically that Hinn does not conduct "regular public worship services" at his headquarters (which Hinn lists as the church address; however, according to Anthony and Trinity Foundation access to the facility is highly restricted and not open to the public) or at any other location that Anthony or Trinity Foundation have been able to determine.

There is, in fact, a "World Healing Center Church" that operates in California under the leadership of Hinn's son-in-law Michael Koulianos and daughter Jessica.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported in August 2005 that the Tarrant County Appraisal District (responsible for determining the assessed value of real estate for tax purposes and for granting property tax exemptions) was reviewing whether Hinn's facility in Grapevine met the requirements for a property tax exemption. Specifically, the review would focus on whether the "church" designation, the same one Anthony and Trinity Foundation claim is false, was used to claim an exemption to which Hinn's ministry may not have been entitled. The review was requested by Anthony and Trinity Foundation.

Hinn's ministry has confirmed the validity of the reports regarding the IRS and Tarrant County reviews, but accused Trinity Foundation and Anthony of attempting to destroy "all Christian ministries in general" and specifically Hinn's.

In January 2005, Hinn's ministry organized a trip to Bangalore India and a prayer meeting attended by various politicians and high profile people. Hindu groups objected to this stating that the meeting was a front for mass conversion by controversial means. The news website Rediff India reported; "Hinn claimed that he had cured several people of ailments with the blessings of Jesus Christ, but hundreds of disabled and sick people returned disappointed, without getting any remedy." further the report also mentions "A doctor, meanwhile, lodged a police complaint against Hinn and the organisers of the show, seeking action for what he said was the death of a man due to cardiac arrest after being pushed by Hinn on the stage on Saturday".

Claim of prophetic ability
Benny Hinn claims to be a prophet of God and regularly issues specific prophecies regarding events that he claims will occur within specific periods of time. However, he has a documented history of making prophecies that have not come true (see below for a partial list). Since, according to the definition specified by the Bible that true prophets inspired by God can never be incorrect in their prophecies, [though this too can be debated because Jonah's prophecy, for example, did not come true even though he was a true prophet Jonah 3:4,, 4:1-2], many Christian apologetics ministries, primarily those who oppose the Word Faith movement in general, consider Benny Hinn to be a false prophet.

Examples of questionable prophecies
"The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God."
"The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90’s, about ’94-’95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it – with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed."
Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31, 1989 (audio)
"The Spirit of God tells me an earthquake will hit the East Coast of America and destroy much in the '90s. Not one place will be safe from earthquakes in the '90s. These who have not known earthquakes will know it. People, I feel the Spirit all over me!"
Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31, 1989
"We may have two years before the rapture. Can I be blunt with you? I don't know if we have two years left. I'm going to prove to you from the Word tonight, that we have less than two years, unless the Lord changes his mind."
November 9, 1990 Praise-a-Thon
"But here's first what I see for TBN. You're going to have people raised from the dead watching this network. You're going to have people raised from the dead watching TBN. Programs -- just plain programs -- programs that haven't done much when it comes to supernatural manifestations -- teaching programs!" (http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=420067844 has an audio of this and Hinn was referring to people physically being raised from the dead.)
October 19, 1999 Praise The Lord, Trinity Broadcasting Network
"Jesus is coming again within the next two years."
July 1997, fund-raising telethon on TBN

List of questionable statements
In addition to making questionable prophesies, Hinn has made a number of statements over the years that have been proven to be erroneous.

"In his sermons and books, Hinn has portrayed his childhood as that of a social outcast, handicapped by a severe stutter, who was nonetheless a stellar student. But when G. Richard Fisher and M. Kurt Goedelman, two journalists who write for Personal Freedom Outreach, looked into Hinn's youth, they found that both claims were untrue: nobody remembered Hinn stuttering, and he had dropped out of high school after the 11th grade."
Illustration by 4G² Issue #191, January/February 2004
"Hinn claims to have preached at an all-girls Catholic school in Jerusalem in 1976 and "every single girl in that school got saved, including all the nuns." Since there's only one Catholic girls school in Jerusalem, Schmidt's Girls College, it was a fairly easy matter to question all the nuns who were there in 1976, as well as Father Dusind, who has overseen all religious instruction since 1955. The result? "This is nonsense, real nonsense," Dusind told Fisher and Goedelman. "It never happened and could not happen because a Charismatic healer or Protestant preacher would never ever be let in to talk to the girls."
Illustration by 4G² Issue #191, January/February 2004
"The heavyweight boxer Evander Holyfield, banned from boxing because of a heart condition, went to a Benny Hinn crusade in Philadelphia, had Hinn lay hands on him, and gave Hinn a check for $265,000 after he was told he was healed. In fact, he passed his next examination by the boxing commission, but later his doctors said he never had a heart condition in the first place – he had been misdiagnosed. But Henn refused to give Holyfield his money back and treatened legal action if he told anyone the truth."
Illustration by 4G² Issue #191, January/February 2000

Famous quotes
"The reason people lose their healing is because they begin questioning if God really did it."
"I don't need gold in heaven, I gotta have it now."

Theological statements
"God the Father is a person separate from the Holy Ghost. Totally separate. ...Do you know that the Holy Spirit has a soul and a body separate from that of Jesus and the Father? ...God the Father then is a triune being within Himself. He's a person, He has a soul. ...A soul is an intellect. ...God thinks ...separate from the Son and separate from the Holy Ghost. ...God the Father is a separate individual from the Son and the Holy Ghost, who is a triune being who walks in a spirit body and He has hair...has eyes...has a mouth...has hands" (Orlando Christian Centre, October 13th 1990).
"...I put a curse upon anyone who comes against this ministry..."
"There is nine in the Trinity..."
"Adam was a super being when God created him...he had dominion over the fowls of the air which means he used to fly...well of course how could you have dominion over the birds and not be able to do what they do. Adam flew into space, with one thought he would be on the moon."
"Jesus Christ will appear with me on the platform..."

Bibliography of Hinn's writings
Kathryn Kuhlman: Her Spiritual Legacy and Its Impact on My Life. ISBN 0785278885
Good Morning, Holy Spirit. ISBN 0785271767
He Touched Me - An Autobiography. ISBN 0785278877
The Anointing. ISBN 0785271686
Welcome, Holy Spirit: How You Can Experience The Dynamic Work Of The Holy Spirit In Your Life. ISBN 0785271694
This Is Your Day for a Miracle. ISBN 0884193918
The Biblical Road to Blessing. ISBN 0785275177
Miracle Of Healing. ISBN 0849953995
The Blood. ISBN 0884197638
Going Deeper with the Holy Spirit. ISBN 1590240391
Lord, I Need a Miracle. ISBN 0840762518


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