Apologetisk Forum

Møt Dr. Frankensteins Reptil-hybrid ?

Praxis - 27-1-2005 kl 21:59

Skal vi møte hybride 'grønnsprengte' skikkelser på gata?

Forskningen kan snart viske ut grenselinjene mellom
menneske og dyr gjennom genetisk sløyd:


Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal
by producing chimeras: a hybrid creature that's part human,
part animal.



an experiment that would raise concerns ... is genetically
engineering mice to produce human sperm and eggs,
then doing in vitro fertilization to produce a child
whose parents are a pair of mice.

Weissman has already created mice with brains that are
about one percent human.

Weissman said he's not a mad scientist trying to create a human
in an animal body.
He hopes the experiment leads to a better understanding of
how the brain works

PS: National Geographic er en av de publikasjonene jeg
har pleid våge åpent å innrømme at jeg har lest . . .


[Edited on 27-1-2005 by Praxis]